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Tag Archives: disease

How to maintain a healthy digestive system.

Gut health is important for overall health. Approximately 70% of the body’s immune cells reside in the digestive tract, so a healthy gut can help protect us from inflammation and disease. What are the factors that cause gastrointestinal diseases? Maintaining a healthy digestive system is

What are the benefits of running ?

Running is a useful exercise. Helps promote blood circulation in the body. Helps increase the activity of enzymes and hormones that help stimulate the muscles and heart to work more efficiently. The heart will be able to pump blood well and help the muscles use oxygen more efficiently.

Benefits of doing yoga.

Yoga is a physical and mental practice that combines postures that use the body’s strength and controlled breathing with meditation and relaxation. There are many benefits to the health of trainees as follows. Increase body strength  Doing yoga will help train and develop the muscles in

Benefits of aerobic exercise.

Aerobic Exercise is exercise to increase breathing and heart rate in pumping oxygenated blood to various parts of the body. Aerobic exercise helps strengthen the heart muscles. Helps the lungs work better. Helps stimulate circulation and pump blood throughout the body. Aerobic exercise is exercise that uses